Big WTF LMAONADE ROFLCOPER LOL@ME and whatever else there is to express my latest traffic ticket. Fine, this is the second time I've gotten this exact ticket in this exact spot, so maybe the onus is on me to have learned a lesson, but as Gob would say... CMON!
Violation of: CVC 22500(F) Parked on Sidewalk.
Did I mention this sidewalk was right in front of my house? My first gripe with this is that 7 Springs is supposedly private property, so cops should not be allowed to patrol the area or ticket violations they may see (kind of like when cops find evidence illegally, it is disallowed in trial). Second, there is a grass/cement island in my court that cars always park next to with their left wheels to the curb and I didn't see any tickets on those winshields. Third, being that it's the end of the month and the ticket was written just before midnight, it seems pretty obvious to me that this fool had a quota to meet. I realize it's Cupertino and the heart of suburbia, but isn't there something more productive our tax dollars can pay for? And fourth... WTF? In front of my own house!
Sadly, this might only tie for my dumbest ticket ever... with getting pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt. Thank god it was before this whole "Click it or ticket" campaign or I would have gotten royally fined.
-Getting fingerprinted is inkless nowadays.
-Welcome back, NBA season! I missed you.
mini crock pot
4 years ago
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