The lack of sunlight during fall/winter accentuates my natural paleness, which correspondingly accentuate my stretch marks. They're located mostly on my arms, back and chest as a result of weight lifting, so while they are a little unsightly, I wear them with some degree of pride. They got me thinking about two notable scars I have.
1. Bald spot on the back of my head. I was at McDonald's when I was 3 and had just gotten a happy meal. My parents didn't often take me out to McDonald's, much less buy me toys, so it was quite a day for me. I dropped my toy on the ground and was swooping down to pick it up when I slipped off the chair and went head-first into the bolt that was holding the table in place. I vaguely remember seeing a french fry on the ground and thinking, "Isn't anyone going to eat that?" After that point, I just remember a lot of bleeding and crying... and amidst it all, I never got that stupid toy back. (Why do all kids simply love McDonald's? I remember wanting it for three meals a day back then. Are there some addictive properties of eating chicken nuggets that aren't made of chicken? Is it that creepy pedophile Ronald? The hashbrowns are awesome, though.)
2. Scar on the bottom of my left pec. Don't run with scissors.
mini crock pot
4 years ago
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