My rainy day thoughts:
There's a black trainer at YMCA that I talk to a lot. Today I caught myself saying something like "Yo, I know I ain't never done nothin' like that before, you know what I'm sayin?" This must stop.
Some other co-workers at YMCA abbreviate "group exercise" to "group ex." Is that really necessary? Why not just "ex," "group?" Might as well call it this:
Why must there be peanuts in every single mixed nuts, fruit and nut mix and trail mix ever conceived?
I just bought 2 tubs of protein online. One is Cupcake Batter flavored and the other is Cinnamon Bun flavored. I really hope I win my gamble and they taste awesome, or else I'm going to have a very gross next 3 months.
So I really think The Office kind of sucks now. It took a Scrubs-esque tumble; all the characters became static and one-dimensional, and the humor became based on stupid setup situations rather than character development/interaction. Plus Jim + Pam is epically boring - let's have them attend a Phish concert with Creed, get high and let the chips fall where they may. Cartoons on the other hand usually seem to get better with seasons for some reason. (Minus the Simpsons... does anyone actually watch that anymore?)
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