Medalla: Puerto Rico's Coors. The beer of choice and sometimes you won't even get a choice; it might be all that's offered. I have to say though, in a blind taste-test with Coors, Medalla beat Coors like it stole something.
Tattoos: It seems like everyone had the exact same idea of rebellion in Puerto Rico: get a borderline disfiguring tattoo and flaunt it shamelessly. Honestly, it seems like more than half of the locals I saw had tattoos and a large portion of those were tramp stamps.
Crocs: Okay, this one makes sense given the fact that it's a tropical island. But Coach Crocs and high-heel/stiletto Crocs?
Obesity: If I had to estimate, I'd put 40% of Puerto Rico's adult population as obese. And if I were to further split that up by genders, adult males would be 30% and adult females would be 50%. What's up with that? I even saw a plus-size fashion show while I was at the mall. Perhaps it's closely tied to the next two bullets...
Ice Cream Trucks: I honestly don't recall ever seeing one of these in California, though we had them come through the neighborhood all the time when I was back in Pennsylvania. In Puerto Rico, these were everywhere, even on the beach. It was pretty funny hearing the truck's bells and seeing the aforementioned obese flock to them. Like moths to light.
Pork: Puerto Ricans love their pork. I thought this was a Polynesian thing, but pigs on spits were everywhere. And if they weren't on spits, they were wrapped in empenadas or served roasted. Pork or plantains were part of probably every meal I had there.
Reggaeton: Songs heard on Puerto Rican radio stations: reggaeton, Katy Perry, reggaeton, Lady Gaga and reggaeton.
Ice cold AC: This reminded me of the library at UCSD. I had 2-hour gaps in my schedule, so I would just kill the time in the library either sleeping or using one of the computers. I hated it because even if it was 80 degrees outside, I would have to bring a sweater to school just to not freeze in the library.
Kid leashes: I have to admit that I would probably use one of these for my own kids.
Measurement identity crisis: Maybe it's because Puerto Rico is a US territory and is thus stuck at an awkward impasse between the US and the rest of the world, but there seems to be absolutely no standardization of units used.
-Lbs (standard) used to weight food.
-Km (metric) used for distances.
-MPH (standard) signs.
-Celsius (metric) used for temperature.
-Liters (metric) used for gas.
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