Yes, I watch the Bachelorette. I'm not really sure what about it appeals to me so much, but theories include the Bachelorette being really hot.
Anyway, this season the Bachelorette takes her suitors all over the world. There are dates in Istanbul, Iceland, Tahiti and New York. Based on that, I feel like I can already say that her relationship from this show won't last. It's pretty easy to generalize from this: every wonder why reality show couples don't last?
Answer: Because how can someone really get to know someone else on a perpetual vacation, where the hardest thing to deal with together is not having enough lobster at dinner? From a simple psychological standpoint, it's just conditioning someone to associate the feelings of excitement and arousal that you get from crazy activities and locations to the other person. Without the psychological analysis, it's the ability to use distractions and diversions to disguise a lack of chemistry, connection and conversation. I'd bet that there's some correlation between fantastical, outrageous and ultimately "cool" dates and the lower the chance of that couple staying together. In short, it's fabricated chemistry.
The notion of fabricated chemistry being bad is a little bit counterintuitive for males, though. That's because males usually try to use fabricated chemistry to our advantage - it's the reason we try to plan exciting and unique dates. Admittedly, most of the time our objective is to fabricate chemistry rather than find a genuine connection. So it's hard to fault the reality show folks when we do this to a smaller scale all the time in real life.
It's a funny thought that our failure and lack of money to plan such amazing Bachelorette-esque dates might actually be a key to successful dating and chemistry. If all guys could plan the dates they really want to plan, it would likely be for the worse.
Hey Bachelorette 2011, you want to really find your match? Try these dates: dish washing, living for 3 days on a tiny budget, and catering to people acting as bitchy in-laws.
mini crock pot
4 years ago
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