What's a healthy amount of dependence on others? At what point should one deal with issues on their own? Are there specific issues best for that? Is someone with which you share everything with a mutually beneficial relationship down the line?
For me? The answer would be something to the effect of... very little.
When things are out of your control, you shouldn't worry about them... but only when nothing you do could possibly change that outcome, like a test, or a football game. There's no choice involved there. But when you depend on others, it seems to me that you create a situation where you actually choose to reqlinquish your control. That choice creates more factors to worry about, and people are far more unpredictable than a test or a football game.Will they be there for me? Am I being needy? Can I be there for them when they need me? Are they trustworthy? Am I crippling my ability to act independently?
Basically, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment because who, besides you, is going to be able to put you as priority #1 all of the time? Maybe your family? If you know me at all, you know I'm not a closed off or guarded person. I don't even really think I'm jaded or cynical, contrary to this blog's subject matter. It just seems like a good, logical set of consequences to keep in mind. It takes a lot of faith for me to really depend on someone, and I think the dependence has to be mutual.
Anyway on a more stupid note, I was out at a club this weekend and I was playing some age-guessing game with a girl. I guessed that she was 20. Why in the HELL would someone there be under 21? I realized my mistake... 30 hours too late.
mini crock pot
4 years ago
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