Sometimes it's kind of weird to think that college is over. Four years later I know I've changed, grown and experienced a lot, but it seems almost for naught when I ended up right back at home in Cupertino. This subject would be fodder enough for a billion posts... so I'll focus.
One of the weirdest things to me was realizing that my friends from San Diego had now gained the "college" prefix. No longer were they normal friends, but now they were "college friends," as if they were to be classified as only part of a phase of my life. Not to say that I'm not any less close to them than before, but it is a different way of looking at relationships. It's just the kind of thing I heard my parents/older people talk about when I was younger, when I would be dragged to some awkward Chinese dinner when a "college friend" was randomly in the area. Is that what we're going to be reduced to, a series of obligatory contrived meetings running on the fumes of a years-past relationship? What bridges the gap from a "college friend" to a quotation marks-less friend?
mini crock pot
4 years ago
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