Ever since October 2007, I've had a paper tacked above my desk with some resolutions. Some of you have probably seen it because it's written in pink/blue highlighter. Why wait for New Years if you know you have something you want to improve about yourself? Here they are:
1. Patience!
2. Be nicer
3. Buck the routine
4. Overcome the mood
1. Self-explanatory, I think. Waste of time and effort to not be. Still a work in progress. C.
2. Also self-explanatory... I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and that, like most things, needs to happen in moderation. C+.
3. This one meant to expand my horizons. Put myself out of my comfort zone and experience as many things as possible. Become more well rounded. B+.
4. I tend to let small matters bug the shit out of me, so this one addressed that. Maybe it'll still bother, but don't let it affect my mood or actions. Keep an optimistic, cheerful mood. Pose the question, "What would someone's first impression of me be?" B.
When I took a gymnastics class a while ago, I added "Do a backtuck" to it... but sadly that one was never fulfilled. But at least I can do a front tuck if you give me a couple of tries.. and a big mat.
mini crock pot
4 years ago
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