Monday, October 27, 2008


For those confused by this blog's name...

-Hi... my name is Futurama.
-Oh, hey I've heard of you! Nice to meet you, man. So what are you up to nowadays?
- Oh, y'know, just doing the working thing for a while. Man, wasn't school so much easier and laid back?
-Don't get me started! Zomgz living at home is just so restricting, but I guess it's good to save some money.
-Yeah, tell me about it. At least grad school is somewhere at the end of the tunnel. So who do you still keep in touch with from around here?

Oh wait, that turned into a paraphrase of the beginnings of just about every conversation I've had since I graduated. We should just have nametags with all those fields provided so we can skip the awkward conversations.

My journal (masculine version of a diary) has been in serious neglect ever since I finished my last set of finals in June, and I don't even know if I could find it if I tried. The ensuing three weeks after finals and before I moved back home are a blur punctuated by Trent yelling "LET'S DRINK" so it could be anywhere. Except where I can find it.

Anyway, since my shunning of "the Man" and the corporate world for this coming year, I've had an indecent amount of free time. I figured that I'm going to have the rest of my life to rot in an office, so why do it this year? Most of the summer was dedicated to studying for the LSAT, but now that that giant dookie is over and my personal statements are about 99% done... well.. now what? Lately when I go to the library to work on applications, there just isn't much substance left so I end up watching the dvds in the library's collection: Bend it Like Beckham, Blue Crush (horrible), 28 Weeks Later, High Fidelity (how did I miss out on this one for so long??), Elf, Highlander (Academy award for greatest movie ever), Into the Blue (horrible), Match Point, The Prestige, Friday Night Lights, Austin Powers 2, The Benny Goodman Story and Saved. This is all within the past couple of weeks.

For those of you that don't know, I've been working as a certified personal trainer at Sunnyvale Fitness for a while now, and actually just got hired at YMCA today as a trainer as well. Who wants to see a really goofy picture of me? I guess this is the face I make when I'm told to snarl.
It's okay, I'm a lover, not a fighter. In addition to working at those two gyms now, I've been "online training" my buddy Wilmar in San Diego and I'm happy to report that he's lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks! Pretty good show of discipline and drive, if you ask me: (I'm referred to as Willard)
And lastly, James' training has been coming along quite nicely as well. I feel like I forgot what he looks like when he smiles because everytime I see him we go to the gym, and everytime we're at the gym, I'm pushing him until he looks like he's about to throw up... which he actually did last week after some sprinting. He's got the potential to dish out some major retribution for all the times we harrassed him when he was about a foot shorter.. but he should thank us for his flexibility, I say.

I suspect tomorrow's post will fall somewhere between passively reading over application material and watching a crappy movie in the library.

-John Legend has a new cd coming out! Evolver is out tomorrow... I mean, I already downloaded it but still.
-I have to get fingerprinted in order to start working at the YMCA. To show that I'm not going to ogle small children in the lockerroom?
-I started putting my alarm clock on the opposite side of the room from my bed so I don't keep turning my alarms off in semi-sleep. What a stupid adaptation to develop.

1 comment:

eric said...

lol I have two alarms one on either end of the bed. And then I adapted to just sleeping through the beeps....