Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Random 7 - 13

Putting aside vanity, health, my job and any other reasons, a large part of why I workout as hard as I do is because I was overweight when I was a kid.

Punctuality is a big deal to me. It can usually be remedied by leaving for your destination just 5-10 minutes earlier, so why not do it? Are people not worth that? I view it as a lack of respect and common courtesy and thus always try to be early unless I'm trying to be fashionably late.

I'm most comfortable in bed when I have a pillow covering half of my face.

I use cocoa butter moisturizer for my hands after I shower everyday.

Whenever I'm bored in a library, I try to find the oldest book I can.

In junior high, I set 2-3 school track and field records until some coach dug up books from the late 80's and I was expunged from the record book.

I'm a good deal colorblind in the green spectrum.

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