Monday, February 23, 2009

Things I've Always Wondered About

1. Why do people always slow down when they see a cop pulling someone over? It's not like he is going to suddenly jump into his car Dukes of Hazzard style and chase you down while writing a citation simultaneously.

2. What did Dr. Evil expect to do with his ransom money? It doesn't seem likely that anyone would do business with such a high-profile wanted criminal. Moreover, why wouldn't he just use his means to get the material things he wanted instead of going the circuitous route and getting money first?

3. Why when you ask someone what they're up to, the default answer is always "Nothing" or "Not much." And then they will proceed to tell you what they are up to.

4. Aren't we on the verge of potential destruction every second of the day? Suppose a nearby star suddenly goes supernova and expels its contents into a nebula that will encompass our solar system. Light traveling at light speed would inform us of the event (It only takes 8 minutes for light from our sun to reach earth), and the only lag time we would have for survival is how much slower the speed of radiation and contents expulsion is than light.

Okay, I was thinking about this one more: radiation actually does travel the speed of light because it's just an invisible part of the vision spectrum. So the question really is how damaging radiation would be by itself without its thermal or ionizing components. In any case, the window of survival just shrank considerably.

5. How my sense of direction can be so damn bad. (So's your face Sarah! jkkkk)


Sarup said...

1. people slow down because they want to see WHY someone got pulled over, in addition to getting scared when they see a cop :)

3. I think people say nothing because it's not anything interesting, but then they want to keep the convo interesting by saying SOMEthing. haha. but i also think it's just a habit now.

4. YUP, thanks for reminding everyone =P

5. You probably have a small hippocampus. hehe

how did the beat do? miss you WILLARD, i screamed for you at the dots concert on thursday :)

Will said...

i've actually heard that cops will sometimes radio in to other cops in the area to watch for a vehicle that is speeding if they see what kind of car you are driving. i guess the solution is to just drive really really fast past the cop.

Jen said...

i get pulled over for existing. black and whites scare me shitless because my license is going to be suspended if i get another moving violation :X